Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is Oxidation/Reduction? Well, in order to understand the oxidation process, you have to understand that this reaction cannot be done alone. Indeed, where there is oxidation, there is reduction. The amalgam between these two ... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is Conductivity in Water? The importance of monitoring the conductivity of your water lies in identifying sudden changes in concentration of various dissolved materials in the water. An unexpected increase in organic compounds... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay When Beer Introduces Scientific Concepts: Welcome to the pH The origins of pH In 1893, Soren Sorensen, a Danish chemist, was asked by the Carlsberg Laboratory to identify the best method for making quality beer. Pour ce faire, Soren Sorensen se posa la questio... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Salt and Water Water is made up of two molecules of oxygen and one of hydrogen (H2O). Hydrogen has a positive polarity while oxygen has a negative polarity. It is thanks to this that an electrostatic force holds the... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is Hard Water? Water hardness is a characteristic representing the high concentration of minerals present in water. When this concentration is low, the water is described as soft. In other words, the harder the wate... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What do the notations PPM/PPB/PPT mean? The terms PPM (Parts per million), PPB (Parts per Billion) and PPT (Parts per trillion) are abbreviations used to express concentration levels in liquid or solid solutions. Their purpose is to simplif... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Absorption or Adsorption? What is absorption? Absorption is defined as the passage of a substance into or through the mass of a media. The phenomenon of absorption is very well known and widespread in everyday life. To put it ... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is a Micron? Microns are units of measurement recognized by the International System of Units. Also known as a micrometer, they represent 0.000001 meter or one millionth of a meter, and are the second smallest rec... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is water turbidity Turbidity refers to the clarity of the water. To measure the turbidity of water, a ray of light must be emitted into it and the quantity of light passing through will be calculated in nephelometry tur... Water Parameters May 30, 2023 FAQ