Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is Water Disinfection Disinfection technologies There are many technologies for water disinfection. The first of these is chemical disinfection. There is a wide variety of products that can be used. Among the most common a... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is Sodium Metabisulfite Used for and How Does it Work? Before we begin, since sodium metabisulfite is known by many names, we will start by introducing the most common names. Sodium Pyrosulfite Acide disulfureux Sel disodique SMBS *Note that the term "sod... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What can a Water Softener Remove? In general, water softeners remove the hardness present in water. As a matter of facts, water hardness represents the concentration of minerals in the water. The higher the concentration of dissolved ... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Why Does my Reverse Osmosis System Produce Poor Quality Water? Plusieurs raisons peuvent être à l’origine de la mauvaise performance d’une osmose inverse. Que ce soit relié à une mauvaise composante, l'entretien, un bris, ou des changements sporadiques dans l’eau... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Why is my Reverse Osmosis System not Producing Enough Water Although not intended to be exhaustive, here are some of the reasons that can affect the efficiency of your water treatment system. The wrong components Starting with the wrong choice of system, membr... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay How does Ozonation Work? Ozone is a very unstable gas that is made up of three oxygen atoms (O3). Considered one of the strongest oxidants, this gas is easily degraded back to oxygen (O2). The transition from O3 to O2 occurs ... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is a CIP System and When Should it be Used? In other words, CIPs are a part of a system that is used to clean other equipment in order to ensure a constant production of quality water. These systems are often used in the pharmaceutical, hospita... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Chlorine or Chlorine Dioxide: What are the Differences? What is Chlorine? Chlorine, with the symbol Cl, is an element of the periodic table that belongs to the halogen family. Fun fact, halogens are characterized by their ability to exist in several forms ... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What are the Differences Between Coagulation and Flocculation? Although these two processes are often presented as the same treatment, important differences can be found. In order to explain these differences in a simple and effective way, we will first present t... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay What is the Difference Between EDI and CEDI? L'électrodéionisation (EDI) et l'électrodéionisation en continu (CEDI) signifient la même chose. De par sa nature même, l'électrodéionisation est un processus continu, donc le Continu dans CEDI est re... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Understanding What a MeSH Measurement Is To put things in perspective, the mesh of a screen represents the number of holes found in 1 square inch of that screen. So a screen with a mesh of 200 will have 200 openings per square inch of the sc... Product Jun 2, 2023 FAQ
Durpro, Raphael Bouchard-Tremblay Catalytic Activated Carbon in the Water Treatment Industry Le charbon actif catalytique est un type de charbon actif qui possède des propriétés catalytiques supplémentaires qui améliorent sa capacité à éliminer des contaminants spécifiques de l'eau.Le charbon... Product May 29, 2023 FAQ